Saturday, February 13, 2010

Behind the Attic Wall - Sylvia Cassedy

Behind the Attic Wall has been one of my favorite books since I was a kid. There is just something so compelling and delicious about the slightly sad, slightly creepy story, with the mostly happy ending that I keep coming back to it 25 years after first reading it. Oh my gosh, that makes me sound old....

Maggie is not a very nice little girl, and at first it's a little hard to feel sympathetic about her hard life (not that she needs your sympathy, no sir!). She's an orphan, and has been kicked out of every boarding school she's ever been in. Finally she is taken in by her great-aunts at their now defunct Academy for Girls. When she starts hearing voices, she's more curious than afraid; especially when she finds out where the voices are coming from.

Definitely a must-read for anyone (especially girls) ages 8-15.

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