Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Eyes of the Dragon - Stephen King

I discovered this book by accident. As a young teenager (before I hit my pretentious period) I read a lot of Stephen King. I couldn't get enough of Stephen King. Seriously. So I found this book at the libary and brought it home, excited to read another scary story.

Ho boy was I wrong. See, Mr. King wrote this book for his daughter, who wanted a different kind of story. This story has kings, queens, princes, and an evil court magician. It's about love, hate, loyalty and wrongs being righted. It's a simple story where good triumphs over evil, and family and friends win out in the end.

It's definitely written for the younger set, but it's a lovely story that holds up well, even after 20 years. And the illustrations by David Palladini are beautiful, and I always wants to color them in.

This is a great book for grades 4 through 12.

1 comment:

  1. Every time someone mentions this book, I'm secretly surprised that the book exists for other people too. It seems like the kind of thing that must be a figment of my imagination, or written by some other Stephen King by the same name.

    I liked the polite napkin request, and the way King describes what the dog smells as colors.
