Sunday, January 10, 2010

Interworld - Neil Gaiman and Michael Reaves

This book was a lot of fun, but really challenging. There are a lot of big words, and mathematical and pseudo-scientific concepts that are kind of hard to get around. I pretty much had to ignore a good portion of the book, just to get through the story.

Joey Harker is a Walker, though he doesn't know it at the beginning of the story. He's just a goofy kid, who constantly gets lost, even in his own house. Then he accidentally Walks into the InterWorld and gets in trouble.

This is a very visual story, and no wonder, since Gaiman and Reaves initially intended for it to be a television show. They were never able to sell the idea to studio execs, but the published novel is a hit.

The back of the book says 10 and up, and I suppose that's correct in terms of the story itself. Just make sure there is an adult or dictionary on hand to explain the big words. A great vocabulary builder!

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